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Production Planning & Oilfield Management

Flexible Solution for Oilfield Management

In an effort to build an effective and intelligent supply chain, FieldEquip’s oilfield management software uses production data to raise necessary events in the supply chain for quick and timely actions. From the comfort of the back office, production teams can monitor services from wells, such as chemical, water and production, and adjust the workflow operations for savings and efficiency.

SCADA Management & Analytics

The FieldEquip software platform is capable of serving as a standalone or integrated SCADA system to employ work orders directly from SCADA alarms and failures. Monitor and maintain direct control over field level operations via advanced supervisory production tools.

Advanced Workflows

Intelligent Supply Chain using Real Time Data Analytics

Intelligent Supply Chain

Enjoy reduced downtimes with real-time analytics, automated prescription of solutions and work orders. A set workflow, shareable between the back office and the field service operators, increases productivity and streamlines processes via automation. This workflow will help track labor and tasks in the field from the back office in real time.

Scalable Growth

Through automated oilfield service software, operations can drive business growth due to increased revenue and reduced costs. Automation also enables the back office to focus on critical order tasks, freeing up key resources to focus on crucial business activities.

Production Planning Software for Business Growth
Take Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

Enjoy the competitive advantage of FieldEquip’s services by employing a technology driven exploration and production platform. Always know what jobs are in progress, monitor equipment with ease, manage your team with confidence, and enjoy the simplicity of automated tasks.

Contact Us

Would you like to have a free demo or have any questions about FieldEquip?


US Corporate Headquarters 1011 S. Hwy. 6, Suite 117 Houston Texas 77077 US