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5 Main Challenges of Implementing a Field Service Solution

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”  – Bernice Johnson Reagon   

There is rarely a business that hasn’t faced challenges while executing their business plan or strategy. Inevitably, every developing company faces some kind of challenges, including field service organizations. But to make your business stand out from the crowd, identifying and overcoming the common pitfalls related to growth is essential.

There have been numerous alarming changes in the field service industry in the past few years. These changes have given rise to various field service management challenges demanding various solutions. Techniques that worked in prior years are unlikely to be as effective in meeting today’s needs. According to a TSIA study, 73% of field service companies are struggling to attain financial benefits.

Hence, make sure that you take today don’t create additional issues for the future. In this article, we will discuss the challenges a business faces while implementing a field service solution.

5 Challenges Business Face While Implementing Field Service Solution 

There will never be a one-size-fits-all solution in the practical field service industry. Managers need to change their business models by offering services that align with the constantly changing demand. Dedicating the required resources to the right field service management (FSM) system will enable service organizations in overcoming potential obstacles. Here are five challenges you will face while implementing the right field service solution:

1. Customer Satisfaction

From field technicians’ schedules to coordination with the enterprise data system, field service management solutions must deliver the capabilities to achieve a definite goal: customer satisfaction.

According to an Aberdeen Group study, 68%  of participants noted that customer satisfaction is an essential factor for success,  exceeding profitability, and first-time fixes.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction incorporates various other challenges for the field service industry. Regardless of whether it relates to responsiveness, performance, or the quality of the service offered, ultimately, all activities are measured in terms of customer satisfaction.

How to Overcome

As the technology-driven world continually raises customer expectations, customers understand that their services must evolve in order to thrive competitively. Field service providers can use technology to enhance internal processes and offer customers quick, viable, and customized service. A field service management application allows customers to give real-time feedback to improve quality.

2. Lack of Business Process Mapping

While executing the best-fit service software, confirm that your field service provider completely comprehends your business process. Else, you can’t use the maximum potential of their FSM solution.

While implementing the solution, companies frequently forget to concentrate on mapping their business processes as it is often considered a lower priority activity. It is essential to perform a business process analysis followed by process mapping. The absence of process mapping leads to unorganized processes that decrease the efficiency of resources and organizations.

How to Overcome

Field service management application can assist you with the planning of processes, facilitate SLAs, and achieve KPI’s that are aligned with established business plans. Improved automation rules relating to work order assignments, updates, and notifications, or triggering webhooks – can be set in the product during implementation to automatically perform repetitive tasks.

3. Real-time Communication Failure

Effective communication is considered the key to every business’s success. Lack of clear and relevant communication with on-site experts often results in substandard performance and failure. Field personnel heavily rely on current and relevant information to effectively manage situations and provide quality service.

Communication Failure

Several companies have reported that when their field technicians are outside network coverage or the job requires extended time, support and administrative personnel struggle to stay current on job progress/status.

How to Overcome

Process barriers that cause repeating challenges can often be solved with customized or reconfigured software. FSM software enhances communication with messaging, live calls, and video-conferencing through VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology. These tools significantly improve team collaboration and coordination of business-critical activity.

On-site field technicians can stay in sync with the office team and update customer data. The solution likewise improves two-way communication with customers. Technicians can be informed on reported issues in advance of visiting a site allowing time to consider possible solutions. The objective is to minimize any disruption to the customer’s business.

4. Effective Workforce Schedules

Globalization has prompted a diverse and disparate workforce in many organizations. Appropriately managing technician schedules is vital to leverage the efficient use of human and physical assets to control the working hours.

Schedule Work Order and assign workers

Disorganized schedules may demotivate field technicians by increasing travel time and taper operating efficiency. Scheduling optimization improves field workforce productivity and efficiency.

How to Overcome

One of the main functions of the FSM application is task management. Its robust scheduling features utilize intelligence augmented algorithms. Customizations allow FSM solutions to cater to different industries, streamlining service delivery, and lifting profitability in daily operations.

By executing strategies, for example, predicting demand, analyzing scheduling options, and taking a tactical approach to scheduling, you can achieve augmented productivity, more satisfied customers, and an overall reduction in operational costs.

5. First-Time Fix Rate

The first-time fix rate is an important sign for estimating service quality. The first-time fix rate directly impacts how customers feel about your organization. Customers are baffled when their issue can’t be settled on the first visit because of substandard ability or unavailable spare parts.

Repetitive problems impact productivity for field service organizations and their customers. No one gains from low first-time fix rates, and in fact, profitably gradually diminishes with every subsequent visit.

How to Overcome

Effective field service organizations continuously monitor the efficacy of workflows. Workflow management is a continuous cycle that includes critical components such as process analysis and mapping, procedural development, and performance metrics review, all of which contribute to automation and optimization. Successful organizations are adopters of new technology, techniques, and ideas that provide a competitive advantage and position them for the future. Today’s field service management systems offer features and tools to enable service organizations to succeed in a demanding and competitive environment.

Final Thoughts

Field service management challenges are overflowing with opportunities. Managing a workforce located remotely who faces unpredictable situations daily, could be difficult and at times overwhelming. A Field Service Management platform connects and coordinates all the moving components to deliver effective solutions that create desirable customer experiences.

How do you overcome these five field service solution challenges? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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