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Industry - Oil & Gas

Full-Stack Oilfield Digitization of Services for Midsize Well Production Chemical




This customer provides Well production chemicals for more than 5,000 Oil Wells in East Texas and Louisiana. Most of their customers are large Owners or Operators. During the oil price downturn, the large operator/owners are demanding their business partners be digitized and demanding continuous flow of data to them as well. There is immense pressure to reduce the cost of service due to the downturn and bringing more efficiency in operation is key to success.


  • Mostly manual Well inspections for state of chemicals leads to slow data flow to the back office and to the Operators
  • Mostly manual data entry into Excel through laptop leads to expensive labor hours spent on data entry
  • Manual workflow through Excel/paper between Account Managers, Technicians, Operation managers and Chemical supply trucks
  • No alerts for chemicals running out
  • Manual data compilation for reporting to Operators
  • Hard to track the chemical inventory in field and warehouses
  • Lack of Geo-coordinates for the Wells
Challenges Well Production Chemical
Well History


  • Enabled complete workflow automation using FieldEquip SaaS solution for Oil and Gas production chemicals.  Platform provides intuitive online/offline mobile application for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile and role based Web Portal
  • Easy-to-use dashboards for Operations and management with actionable information, for example, Identify trouble Wells, running dry Wells and so on
  • Intelligent route optimization on Mobile for Truck/Driver
  • Self-learning intelligent routing for technicians hitting the Wells everyday
  • Setup the master data on FieldEquip. Users attended the Free Training Webinars offered by FieldEquip
  • Complete solution enabled within 6 weeks from the start of the project


  • Operations can react quickly to Wells running dry on chemicals
  • Full stack solution from FieldEquip digitized the workflow for field services
  • Significant savings of hours in a day per field personnel including technicians and truck drivers
  • Significant efficiency improvement in Operations as no manual compilation of field reports
  • Efficiency improvements in the Chemical inventory management & digitized chemical supply chain
  • Faster data flow from Field to Operations and to the Operators
  • Real-time line of sight into the field operations and real-time data flow from field to the corporate office
Work Order Well production chemicals


Efficiency improvements in the Chemical inventory management


Significant savings of hours per field personnel including technicians and truck drivers


Compilation of field reports

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FieldEquip's Field Service Management System

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US Corporate Headquarters 1011 S. Hwy. 6, Suite 117 Houston Texas 77077 US